How Many Can I Earn By PPC Advertising Network
Its not depend on your website/blog visitors but it mostly on that "How Many You Have Unique Visitors". Actually i am not perfect in that how many you can get click according to your website visitors moreover i am a students of 11th class. So my target say that if you have 100 unique visitors then in think you can get 5+ click easily. And now question is that how many can earn by 5 click than its not Fix because Google gives different amount by different company clicks means its on company, which company you have to Ads. And also upon country for example: your website have only Indian country visitors and your friend's website have USA country visitors then you both got different amount of same click at a time. Its thing also haven with me, my hindi website as have only hindi visitors moreover my friends have USA and PK visitors because his website have english article, then we got different amount by same click. We have count it :)
List Of PPC Advertising Network
You can use these most popular PPC Ads Company website:
1) Google Adsense
2) Yahoo! Publisher Network (YPN)
3) BidVertiser
4) Chitika
5) Clicksor
Note: If you have low traffic and Google is not accept your registration then try to get Ads by four other company.
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