Google the tech giant, has been facing criticism for its slow response in launching a rival product to the popular AI powered chatbot, ChatGPT. This criticism was further amplified after Google's AI tool, Bard was released in a rush. With mounting AI pressure Google CEO Sundar Pichai urged employees to test the company's new artificial intelligence chat tool for a few hours. In a company wide email Pichai wrote that he understands the moment is " uncomfortably exciting " as the underlying technology is evolving rapidly with so much potential. He further asked employees to dedicate two to four hours of their time to test the company's AI chat tool, Bard.
Pichai also shared that not all products were launched first, but it has not been a hurdle in the company's ability to win. "Some of our most successful products were not first to market. They gained momentum because they solved important user needs and were built on deep technical insights " Pichai wrote in the letter.After the popularity of AI powered chatbot ChatGPT, Google announced its own AI conversational tool, Bard. However, Google Bard is different from Microsoft backed ChatGPT in a few ways. The company is now seeking to differentiate itself in the AI chatbot space.
Pichai acknowledged that this is a long journey for everyone, across the field.He emphasized that the most important thing they can do right now is to focus on building a great product and developing it responsibly.
Google's late entry in launching a web browser Chrome did not stop it from dominating the market. Similarly, before Google launched Android, multiple operating systems were already in place, but Android now dominates the mobile OS market. However the company's launch of Allo instant messaging mobile app could not make inroads due to the popularity of WhatsApp.
Bard is Google's conversational AI chatbot, aimed at enhancing user experience. Google is utilizing its expertise in natural language processing to create a powerful chatbot that can understand complex queries and respond to them accurately. With the increased popularity of ChatGPT,Google aims to build an AI chatbot that solves important user needs and is built on deep technical insights.
As the world continues to evolve technologically, the AI industry is growing rapidly, and Google is one of the key players. With Bard, Google aims to set itself apart from the competition and provide users with an AI chatbot that is unique and highly functional. The company's CEO, Sundar Pichai, is committed to building a great product and developing it responsibly, and has asked employees to contribute to its success through a special company-wide dogfood practice.